COVID-19 is the best example for humans to get awareness about Superstitions

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COVID-19 is the best example for humans to get awareness about Superstitions

Today, in this article we are going to talk about the very sensitive but crucial element of humans as well as the countries development process, "Superstition"

        India is a diverse country, where it's culture and traditions make it so beautiful and admiring until superstition comes on the road. We all grew up with all these superstitions without denying it. Let's see some myths that we Indians follow in our day to day life from many decades.

Who are these people ?

Locally, they may be referred to as baba, swami, guru, Shastri, Bapu, or bhagat. Many of them claim to have magic or psychic powers and perform miracles. On the other hand, some only provide spiritual advice. Many of them are worshipped by their followers as avatars or living gods. Many of them belong to ancient ascetic lineages or claim to be the successor to some previous spiritual predecessor. Some of them have built large Pan-Indian or international networks. Their recent success has been attributed to the use of mass media and public relations techniques.

So, Why I'm talking on this topic today?

The reason is Covid-19.

Yes, the whole world is facing an unparalleled pandemic of Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The disease spreading globally with more than 7.82 million confirmed cases and 432k deaths as of 16th June 2020. The researchers and scientists continuously working hard to find vaccinations and infectious disease (ID) drugs. Every country wishes to find a vaccine to save all the word. We are losing our culture and traditions, which are the reason for our Incredible India. But I have a question?

Where are those all superstitious, who claim to have magic or as living god?

Having faith in nature and almighty is the other thing. But blindly following the people who only use the name of God for their agenda and do nothing for nurturing nature or helping people needs to stop. Hundreds of people is dying without food and shelter. Why don't they open the so called 'Aashram' or any of them place for helping people? If they really have the power of God, then why they are not helping the world in this pragmatic situation? While boycott the Chinese product we also have to give the attention on this matter.

Should we learn something from it?

We can't forget what Corona Virus did to us? But also, we can't ignore how we disciplined now more than ever?

Corona Virus has produced a wave of negative outcomes, terrifying illness, and death, but it also highlighted some major life lessons.

- Believe in Science not in superstitions.

- We able to know who is real.

- We able to know who are our superheroes- Doctors, Nurse, Police.

- We able to know there is only one religion- "Humanity💛"

One most important lesson we learned is that believe in god and pray from your heart. Don't be superstitious.

Help people who need it. Stop wasting money in superstition.

Be wise and be aware. 😇

Humanity is the only religion I believe! 💯

- Bharat Vora & Hetvi Solanki

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